
The easy (CHS) way

Create a Pangeo CHS account.

Log in to CHS Pangeo JupyterHub, and edit/create your ~/.condarc file:

  - conda-forge
  - defaults
channel_priority: strict
  - /home/jovyan/my-conda-envs

Then create the stglib environment, install stglib, and activate the environment:

conda create -n stglib stglib ipykernel
conda activate stglib

Now you can start processing data!

The easy (local machine) way

We recommend managing your Python packages using Mambaforge. Alternatively, you can use Anaconda/Miniconda.


Install Mambaforge by following this link.

Install and activate an stglib environment:

mamba create -n stglib stglib
mamba activate stglib

Now you can start processing data!

Anaconda or Miniconda

Ensure you have a working Anaconda or Miniconda installation.

Set your channel priority to conda-forge:

conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --set channel_priority strict

Install and activate an stglib environment:

conda create -n stglib stglib
conda activate stglib

Now you can start processing data!

If you want to contribute to stglib development

Set up Mambaforge or Anaconda as above. Obtain stglib by cloning the GitHub repo. Change to a directory where you’d like stglib to live and type:

git clone

After cding to the directory containing stglib, type:

conda env create -n stglib --file requirements.yml

This will create a Conda environment with the requirements for stglib installed. Activate the stglib environment by typing:

conda activate stglib

Then type:

pip install -e . --no-deps

This will create an editable stglib installation so you can make changes to the codebase. Get the latest changes to stglib by running git pull.

When new run scripts are added to stglib (for example, if support for a new instrument has been added), a git pull will not add them to your path. In this case you also need to re-run the pip install line above to install any new run scripts.