RBR instruments

Data will generally be processed using a series of run scripts. The first script for each instrument type depends on two configuration files.

Instrument data to raw .cdf

First, export data to text (.zip) format (File -> Export -> Text (*.zip)) from the Ruskin software.

Then use runrskcsv2cdf.py to convert this exported data to a raw netCDF .cdf file.


Convert exported RBR csv files to raw .cdf format. Run this script from the directory containing the files.

usage: runrskcsv2cdf.py [-h] gatts config

Positional Arguments


path to global attributes file (gatts formatted)


path to instrument configuration file (YAML formatted)

Raw .cdf to CF-compliant .nc

Convert the raw .cdf data into an CF-compliant netCDF file with .nc extension using runrskcdf2nc.py, optionally including atmospheric correction of the pressure data.


Convert raw RBR d|wave .cdf format to processed .nc files, optionally compensating for atmospheric pressure

usage: runrskcdf2nc.py [-h] [--atmpres ATMPRES] cdfname

Positional Arguments


raw .cdf filename

Named Arguments


path to cdf file containing atmopsheric pressure data

Waves processing

Option 1: internal waves code

This option is recommended as it does not require MATLAB. Generate the waves statistics and incorporate them into an CF-compliant netCDF file with .nc extension using runrsknc2waves.py.


Generate waves statistics file

usage: runrsknc2waves.py [-h] ncname
Positional Arguments

processed .nc filename

Option 2: DIWASP

Run DIWASP (within MATLAB) to produce wave statistics (see scripts/rundiwasp.m for an example run script). DIWASP must be run within MATLAB.

Incorporate the DIWASP statistics into an CF-compliant netCDF file with .nc extension using runrsknc2diwasp.py.
