Aquadopp (currents)

Data will generally be processed using a series of run scripts that use command line arguments. For AQD currents it’s a 2 step process.

Instrument data to raw .cdf

First, in AquaPro, export data to text files using the default options.

Convert from text to a raw netCDF file with .cdf extension using This script depends on two arguments, the global attribute file and extra configuration information configuration files.

Convert Aquadopp text files to raw .cdf format. Run this script from the directory containing Aquadopp files.

usage: [-h] gatts config

Positional Arguments


path to global attributes file (gatts formatted)


path to instrument configuration file (YAML formatted)

Raw .cdf to CF-compliant .nc

Convert the raw .cdf data into an CF-compliant netCDF file with .nc extension, optionally including atmospheric correction of the pressure data.

Convert raw Aquadopp .cdf format to processed .nc files, optionally compensating for atmospheric pressure

usage: [-h] [--atmpres ATMPRES] cdfname

Positional Arguments


raw .cdf filename

Named Arguments


path to cdf file containing atmopsheric pressure data