Source code for stglib.sig.cdf2nc

import time

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from dask.diagnostics import ProgressBar

from ..aqd import aqdutils
from ..core import utils

# import os

[docs]def cdf_to_nc(cdf_filename, atmpres=False): """ Load a raw .cdf file and generate a processed .nc file """ print(f"Loading {cdf_filename}") # print(os.listdir()) start_time = time.time() ds = xr.open_dataset(cdf_filename, chunks={"time": 200000, "bindist": 48}) # check for user specified chunks if "chunks" in ds.attrs: chunksizes = dict(zip(ds.attrs["chunks"][::2], ds.attrs["chunks"][1::2])) ds.close() # make sure values are type int, needed because they are written out to global attribute in -raw.cdf file they are str for key in chunksizes: if isinstance(chunksizes[key], str): chunksizes[key] = int(chunksizes[key]) print(f"Using user specified chunksizes = {chunksizes}") ds = xr.open_dataset(cdf_filename, chunks=chunksizes) end_time = time.time() print(f"Finished loading {cdf_filename} in {end_time-start_time:.1f} seconds") ds = aqdutils.check_attrs(ds, inst_type="SIG") # Add atmospheric pressure offset if atmpres is not False: ds = aqdutils.atmos_correct(ds, atmpres) ds = utils.create_nominal_instrument_depth(ds) # print(ds) # create Z depending on orientation # ds, T, T_orig = aqdutils.set_orientation(ds, ds["Burst_Beam2xyz"].values) ds = utils.create_z(ds) # Clip data to in/out water times or via good_ens # Need to clip data after coord transform when using dolfyn ds = utils.clip_ds(ds) if ds.attrs["data_type"] == "Burst" or ds.attrs["data_type"] == "BurstHR": # Create separate vel variables first ds["U"] = ds["VelEast"] ds["V"] = ds["VelNorth"] ds["W1"] = ds["VelUp1"] ds["W2"] = ds["VelUp2"] ds = aqdutils.magvar_correct(ds) ds = aqdutils.trim_vel(ds, data_vars=["U", "V", "W1", "W2"]) # make beam shape data for beam data (vel,amp & cor) ds["beam"] = xr.DataArray(range(1, ds["NBeams"][0].values + 1), dims="beam") if "VelBeam1" in ds: ds["vel"] = xr.concat( [ds[f"VelBeam{i}"] for i in range(1, ds["NBeams"][0].values + 1)], dim="beam", ) if "CorBeam1" in ds: ds["corr"] = xr.concat( [ds[f"CorBeam{i}"] for i in range(1, ds["NBeams"][0].values + 1)], dim="beam", ) if "AmpBeam1" in ds: ds["amp"] = xr.concat( [ds[f"AmpBeam{i}"] for i in range(1, ds["NBeams"][0].values + 1)], dim="beam", ) ds = aqdutils.make_bin_depth(ds) ds = ds_make_magaccel_vars(ds) ds = ds_make_ahrs_vars(ds) # Rename DataArrays for EPIC compliance ds = fix_encoding(ds) ds = aqdutils.ds_rename(ds) # for common variables ds = ds_drop(ds) ds = ds_rename_sig(ds) # for signature vars not in aqds or vecs # swap vert dim to z or user specified in vert_dim ds = aqdutils.ds_swap_dims(ds) ds = utils.ds_add_lat_lon(ds) # Add EPIC and CMG attributes ds = aqdutils.ds_add_attrs(ds, inst_type="SIG") # for common adcp vars ds = ds_add_attrs_sig(ds) # for signature vars # Add min/max values # if ds.attrs["data_type"] not in ["Echo1"]: print("add max/min variable attributes") ds = utils.add_min_max(ds) # Add DELTA_T for EPIC compliance # ds = utils.add_delta_t(ds) # Add start_time and stop_time attrs ds = utils.add_start_stop_time(ds) # Add history showing file used ds = utils.add_history(ds) ds = utils.add_standard_names(ds) # add common standard names # ds = drop_unused_dims(ds) # ds = fix_encoding(ds) ds = utils.ds_add_lat_lon(ds) ds = utils.ds_coord_no_fillvalue(ds) """ ds["time"].attrs.update( {"standard_name": "time", "axis": "T", "long_name": "time (UTC)"} ) """ # write out nc file by data_type if "prefix" in ds.attrs: nc_filename = ds.attrs["prefix"] + ds.attrs["filename"] else: nc_filename = ds.attrs["filename"] if ds.attrs["data_type"] == "Burst" or ds.attrs["data_type"] == "BurstHR": nc_out = nc_filename + "" print("writing Burst (b) data to netCDF nc file") delayed_obj = ds.to_netcdf(nc_out, compute=False) with ProgressBar(): delayed_obj.compute() print("Done writing netCDF file", nc_out) elif ds.attrs["data_type"] == "IBurst" or ds.attrs["data_type"] == "IBurstHR": nc_out = nc_filename + "" print("writing IBurst (b5) data to netCDF nc file") delayed_obj = ds.to_netcdf(nc_out, compute=False) with ProgressBar(): delayed_obj.compute() print("Done writing netCDF file", nc_out) elif ds.attrs["data_type"] == "Echo1": nc_out = nc_filename + "" print("writing Echo1 (echo1) data to netCDF nc file") delayed_obj = ds.to_netcdf(nc_out, compute=False) with ProgressBar(): delayed_obj.compute() print("Done writing netCDF file", nc_out) utils.check_compliance(nc_out, conventions=ds.attrs["Conventions"]) end_time = time.time() print( f"Proceesing cdf2nc for Signature data type {ds.attrs['data_type']} in deployment {ds.attrs['filename']} completed" ) print(f"elapsed time = {end_time-start_time:.1f} seconds") return ds
def drop_unused_dims(ds): """only keep dims that will be in the final files""" thedims = [] for v in ds.data_vars: for x in ds[v].dims: thedims.append(x) for x in ds.dims: if x not in thedims: ds = ds.drop_vars(x) return ds def ds_drop(ds): """ Drop old DataArrays from Dataset that won't make it into the final .nc file """ todrop = [ "ExtStatus", "NBeams", "NCells", "PressureSensorTemperature", "RTCTemperature", "MagnetometerTemperature", "Magnetometer", "Accelerometer", "VEL1", "VEL2", "VEL3", "AMP1", "AMP2", "AMP3", "VelEast", "VelNorth", "VelUp1", "VelUp2", "VelSpeed", "VelDirection", "VelX", "VelY", "VelZ1", "VelZ2", "Beam2xyz", "AHRSRotationMatrix", "AHRSGyroX", "AHRSGyroY", "AHRSGyroZ", "AHRSQuaternionW", "AHRSQuaternionX", "AHRSQuaternionY", "AHRSQuaternionZ", "VelBeam1", "VelBeam2", "VelBeam3", "VelBeam4", "AmpBeam1", "AmpBeam2", "AmpBeam3", "AmpBeam4", "CorBeam1", "CorBeam2", "CorBeam3", "CorBeam4", "AltimeterStatus", ] if ("AnalogInput1" in ds.attrs) and (ds.attrs["AnalogInput1"].lower() == "true"): todrop.remove("AnalogInput1") if ("AnalogInput2" in ds.attrs) and (ds.attrs["AnalogInput2"].lower() == "true"): todrop.remove("AnalogInput2") return ds.drop_vars([t for t in todrop if t in ds.variables]) def ds_rename_sig(ds, waves=False): """ Rename DataArrays within Dataset for compliance """ varnames = { "EnsembleCount": "sample", "AmbiguityVel": "ambig_vel", "Status": "status", "Error": "error", "TransmitEnergy": "xmit_energy", "U": "u_1205", "V": "v_1206", "W1": "w_1204", "W2": "w2_1204", "VelSpeed": "CS_300", "VelDirection": "CD_310", "VelBeam1": "vel1_1277", "VelBeam2": "vel1_1278", "VelBeam3": "vel1_1279", "VelBeam4": "vel1_1280", "AmpBeam1": "Sv1_1233", "AmpBeam2": "Sv2_1234", "AmpBeam3": "Sv3_1235", "AmpBeam4": "Sv4_1236", "CorBeam1": "cor1_1285", "CorBeam2": "cor2_1286", "CorBeam3": "cor3_1287", "CorBeam4": "cor4_1288", "AltimeterDistanceLE": "brangeLE", "AltimeterQualityLE": "alt_quality", "AltimeterDistanceAST": "brangeAST", "AltimeterQualityAST": "ast_quality", "AltimeterTimeOffsetAST": "ast_offset_time", "AltimeterPressure": "ast_pressure", "NominalCorrelation": "corr_nominal", "VelBeam5": "vel_b5", "AmpBeam5": "amp_b5", "CorBeam5": "corr_b5", "Echo": "echo_amp", } for v in varnames: if v in ds: ds = ds.rename({v: varnames[v]}) """ for v in [ "avgamp1", "avgamp2", "avgamp3", "U", "V", "W", "Depth", "water_depth", "cellpos", "vel", # Signature velocity ]: if v in ds: ds = ds.drop_vars(v) """ return ds def fix_encoding(ds): """ensure we don't set dtypes uint for CF compliance""" if "sample" not in ds.dims: print( "make time encoding to dtype double because no sample dimension, round to milliseconds first" ) ds["time"] = ds["time"].dt.round("ms") # round time to milliseconds first ds["time"].encoding["dtype"] = "double" """if ds[var].max() > 2**31 - 1 or ds[var].min() < -(2**31): print( f"warning {var} may be too big to fit in int32: min {ds[var].min().values}, max {ds[var].max().values} so make double" ) ds[var].encoding["dtype"] = "double" """ else: ds["time"].encoding["dtype"] = "i4" if "beam" in ds.dims: ds["beam"].encoding["dtype"] = "i4" for var in ds.data_vars: if ds[var].dtype == "uint32" or ds[var].dtype == "uint8": ds[var].encoding["dtype"] = "int32" if var in ["corr", "corr_b5"]: ds[var].encoding["dtype"] = "float32" if ds[var].dtype == "float64": ds[var].encoding["dtype"] = "float32" return ds def ds_add_attrs_sig(ds): """ add attributes to xarray Dataset """ """ ds["time"].attrs.update( {"standard_name": "time", "axis": "T", "long_name": "time (UTC)"} ) """ if "earth" in ds: ds["earth"].attrs.update( { "units": "1", "long_name": "Earth Reference Frame", } ) if "inst" in ds: ds["inst"].attrs.update( { "units": "1", "long_name": "Instrumnet Reference Frame", } ) if "beam" in ds: ds["beam"].attrs.update( { "units": "1", "long_name": "Beam Reference Frame", } ) if "q" in ds: ds["q"].attrs.update( { "units": "1", "long_name": "Quaternion Vector Components", } ) if "orientmat" in ds: ds["orientmat"].attrs.update( { "units": "1", "long_name": "Rotation Matrix from AHRS", } ) if "gyro" in ds: ds["gyro"].attrs.update( { "units": "rad s-1", "long_name": "Angular Velocity from AHRS", } ) if "quaternions" in ds: ds["quaternions"].attrs.update( { "units": "1", "long_name": "Quaternions", } ) if "mag" in ds: ds["mag"].attrs.update( { "units": "uT", "long_name": "Magnetometer Data", } ) if "accel" in ds: ds["accel"].attrs.update( { "units": "m s-2", "long_name": "Vector Acceleration of Instrument", } ) if "status" in ds: ds["status"].attrs.update( { "units": "1", "long_name": "Status Code", } ) if "error" in ds: ds["error"].attrs.update( { "units": "1", "long_name": "Error Code", } ) if "vel" in ds: ds["vel"].attrs.update( { "units": "m s-1", "standard_name": "radial_sea_water_velocity_away_from_instrument", "long_name": "Beam Velocity", } ) if "vel_b5" in ds: ds["vel_b5"].attrs.update( { "units": "m s-1", "standard_name": "radial_sea_water_velocity_away_instrument", "long_name": "Beam5 Velocity", } ) if "amp" in ds: ds["amp"].attrs.update( { "units": "dB", "standard_name": "signal_intensity_from_multibeam_acoustic_doppler_velocity_sensor_in_sea_water", "long_name": "Acoustic Signal Amplitude", } ) if "amp_b5" in ds: ds["amp_b5"].attrs.update( { "units": "dB", "standard_name": "signal_intensity_from_multibeam_acoustic_doppler_velocity_sensor_in_sea_water", "long_name": "Beam5 Acoustic Signal Amplitude", } ) if "echo_amp" in ds: ds["echo_amp"].attrs.update( { "units": "dB", "standard_name": "signal_intensity_from_multibeam_acoustic_doppler_velocity_sensor_in_sea_water", "long_name": "Echosounder Signal Amplitude", } ) if "corr" in ds: ds["corr"].attrs.update( { "units": "percent", "standard_name": "beam_consistency_indicator_from_multibeam_acoustic_doppler_velocity_profiler_in_sea_water", "long_name": "Acoustic Signal Correlation", } ) if "corr_b5" in ds: ds["corr_b5"].attrs.update( { "units": "percent", "standard_name": "beam_consistency_indicator_from_multibeam_acoustic_doppler_velocity_profiler_in_sea_water", "long_name": "Beam5 Acoustic Signal Correlation", } ) if "corr_nominal" in ds: ds["corr_nominal"].attrs.update( { "units": "percent", "long_name": "Nominal Correlation", } ) if "SV_80" in ds: ds["SV_80"].attrs.update( { "units": "m s-1", "long_name": "Speed of Sound", } ) if "ambig_vel" in ds: ds["ambig_vel"].attrs.update( { "units": "m s-1", "long_name": "Ambiguity velocity", } ) if "brange" in ds: ds["brange"].attrs.update( { "units": "m", "standard_name": "altimeter_range", "long_name": "Altimeter Range", } ) if "alt_quality" in ds: ds["alt_quality"] = ds["ast_quality"] / 100 ds["alt_quality"].encoding["dtype"] = "float32" ds["alt_quality"].attrs.update( { "units": "dB", "long_name": "Altimeter Quality", } ) if "brangeAST" in ds: ds["brangeAST"].attrs.update( { "units": "m", # "standard_name": "altimeter_range", "long_name": "Acoustic Surface Tracking (AST) Range", } ) if "ast_quality" in ds: ds["ast_quality"] = ds["ast_quality"] / 100 ds["ast_quality"].encoding["dtype"] = "float32" ds["ast_quality"].attrs.update( { "units": "dB", "long_name": "Acoustic Surface Tracking (AST) Quality", } ) if "ast_pressure" in ds: ds["ast_pressure"].attrs.update( { "units": "dbar", "long_name": "Acoustic Surface Tracking (AST) Pressure", } ) if "ast_offset_time" in ds: ds["ast_offset_time"].attrs.update( { "units": "s", "long_name": "Acoustic Surface Tracking (AST) Offset Time", } ) if "xmit_energy" in ds: ds["xmit_energy"].attrs.update( { "units": "dB", "long_name": "Transmit Energy", } ) if "vel1_1277" in ds: ds["vel1_1277"].attrs.update( { "units": "m s-1", "long_name": "Beam 1 Velocity", "epic_code": 1277, } ) if "vel2_1278" in ds: ds["vel2_1278"].attrs.update( { "units": "m s-1", "long_name": "Beam 2 Velocity", "epic_code": 1278, } ) if "vel3_1279" in ds: ds["vel3_1279"].attrs.update( { "units": "m s-1", "long_name": "Beam 3 Velocity", "epic_code": 1279, } ) if "vel4_1280" in ds: ds["vel4_1280"].attrs.update( { "units": "m s-1", "long_name": "Beam 4 Velocity", "epic_code": 1280, } ) if "Sv1_1233" in ds: ds["Sv1_1233"].attrs.update( { "units": "dB", "long_name": "Backscatter Strength Beam 1", "epic_code": 1233, } ) if "Sv2_1234" in ds: ds["Sv2_1233"].attrs.update( { "units": "dB", "long_name": "Backscatter Strength Beam 2", "epic_code": 1234, } ) if "Sv3_1235" in ds: ds["Sv3_1235"].attrs.update( { "units": "dB", "long_name": "Backscatter Strength Beam 3", "epic_code": 1235, } ) if "Sv4_1236" in ds: ds["Sv1_1236"].attrs.update( { "units": "dB", "long_name": "Backscatter Strength Beam 4", "epic_code": 1236, } ) if "Sv_1232" in ds: ds["Sv_1232"].attrs.update( { "units": "dB", "long_name": "Mean Backscatter Strength", "epic_code": 1232, } ) if "cor1_1285" in ds: ds["cor1_1285"].attrs.update( { "units": "percent", "long_name": "Beam 1 Correlation", "epic_code": 1285, } ) if "cor2_1286" in ds: ds["cor2_1286"].attrs.update( { "units": "percent", "long_name": "Beam 2 Correlation", "epic_code": 1286, } ) if "cor3_1286" in ds: ds["cor2_1286"].attrs.update( { "units": "percent", "long_name": "Beam 2 Correlation", "epic_code": 1286, } ) return ds def ds_make_magaccel_vars(ds): """ add magnetometer and accelerometer data to xarray Dataset """ # make mag and accel vars if "Magnetometer" in ds: if "inst" not in ds.dims: ds["inst"] = xr.DataArray(["X", "Y", "Z"], dims="inst") ds["mag"] = xr.DataArray( ds["Magnetometer"].values.reshape(-1, 3).transpose(), dims=["inst", "time"] ) ds["mag"] = ds["mag"] / 10 # convert milligauss to microtesla if "Accelerometer" in ds: if "inst" not in ds.dims: ds["inst"] = xr.DataArray(["X", "Y", "Z"], dims="inst") ds["accel"] = xr.DataArray( ds["Accelerometer"].values.reshape(-1, 3).transpose(), dims=["inst", "time"] ) ds["accel"] = ds["accel"] * 9.81 # convert gravity (g) to m s-2 return ds def ds_make_ahrs_vars(ds): """ add AHRS vars to xarray Dataset (if they exists) """ # if AHRS will have these # make rotation/orientation matrix if exists in dataset if "AHRSRotationMatrix" in ds: if "earth" not in ds.dims: ds["earth"] = xr.DataArray(["E", "N", "U"], dims="earth") if "inst" not in ds.dims: ds["inst"] = xr.DataArray(["X", "Y", "Z"], dims="inst") ds["orientmat"] = xr.DataArray( ds["AHRSRotationMatrix"] .values.reshape( -1, 3, 3, ) .transpose((2, 1, 0)), dims=["earth", "inst", "time"], ) # make gyro var if "AHRSGyroX" in ds: if "inst" not in ds.dims: ds["inst"] = xr.DataArray(["X", "Y", "Z"], dims="inst") ds["gyro"] = xr.concat( [ds[f"AHRSGyro{i}"] for i in ds["inst"].values], dim="inst" ) ds["gyro"] = ds["gyro"] * np.pi / 180 # convert to rad s-1 if "AHRSQuaternionW" in ds: if "q" not in ds.dims: ds["q"] = xr.DataArray(["W", "X", "Y", "Z"], dims="q") ds["quaternions"] = xr.concat( [ds[f"AHRSQuaternion{i}"] for i in ds["q"].values], dim="q" ) return ds